Harmoniegebouw, Expositieruimte (Weber foyer)
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26 / 9712 EK Groningen.
Entree: gratis / Aanmelden via: www.arctischcentrum
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26 / 9712 EK Groningen.
Entree: gratis / Aanmelden via: www.arctischcentrum
14:00: Prof. dr. Christian Wiencke: Biology of Arctic benthic marine macroalgae: 20 years of research on Spitsbergen' Summar;
14:45: Dr. Maarten Loonen: 30 years of Dutch goose research in Ny Alesund;
16:00: Nick Cox: How British explorers learned to travel in Antarctica.
14:00: Prof. dr. Christian Wiencke: Biology of Arctic benthic marine macroalgae: 20 years of research on Spitsbergen' Summar;
14:45: Dr. Maarten Loonen: 30 years of Dutch goose research in Ny Alesund;
16:00: Nick Cox: How British explorers learned to travel in Antarctica.